Is it possible to fund a motorcycle trip from zero, without having any savings or a stable income stream? If you’re dying to get out there and ride, but your bank account disagrees, not all is lost. Back in 2014, Egle found herself in Argentina with a half tank of gas and exactly ten pesos in her pocket. Ten Argentinean pesos, back then, was about a dollar; Egle was in Tierra del Fuego, and her travel funds had run out. Instead of panicking – okay, maybe she did panic a bit. Fine, a lot – Egle figured out a way to find work locally. Argentina is a horse country, and Egle used to ride and train horses in her twenties. Within that same day, she found a local ranch needing someone to train their unbroken horses and housesit. Just like that, Egle had a job and a roof over her head for th
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